
Ofrecemos a los clientes una amplia gama de servicios para garantizar su éxito operativo y su satisfacción final

Nuestros Servicios:


A la hora de crear un negocio existen diferentes aspectos a considerar como etapa previa al nacimiento de la empresa. Entre ellos se encuentran el estudio de impacto ambiental de acuerdo a la normativa ambiental respectiva, el análisis del marco legal y fiscal necesario para un adecuado pronóstico del modelo de negocio y el estudio de viabilidad física de acuerdo a la ubicación geográfica, así como la preparación de la logística que necesitarás para poner en marcha tu empresa.

Análisis de los procesos de negocio

Projects seek an intelligent solution to a problem statement. Project evaluation refers to any activity that leads us to make decisions for a business in this case. Therefore, it is important to know the economic and social profitability of the project.

For this purpose we perform for you the analysis of the background of your project and its participants. We carry out a market, supply and price analysis in the desired region and we propose the different launching strategies and sales plan that you will need for the success of your business.

Proceso de contratación

Recruitment and selection are unequivocal periods of expert recruitment.

It consists of identifying individuals with a high probability of joining the normal activities of a company, by defining the requirements and determining the profile of the ideal representative, also estimating their similarity with the mission, vision and positive aspects of the organization.

The selection cycle aims to conduct meetings and evaluate the possibility of a specific job, characterized in the registration, to finally choose a person for the vacancy, in view of the predefined rules. In any selection, it is important to submit to the specific labor laws, saving both the organization and the applicant, to stay away from unfair manifestations during the determination of the representative.

This service includes from the location and proposal of suitable candidates to the generation of profiles with specific skills requested by your company and the selection of the necessary personnel.

Supervisión de proyectos y empresas

Control and supervision are of vital importance for the management of your projects. Once it has been decided to develop it, the project manager must assume the responsibility that each person within the project fulfills the tasks that have been assigned to him/her and thus, ensure that the project is developed according to its planning.

"There I U Market" will help you to achieve this goal by properly evaluating the projects and identifying areas for improvement. It will also propose the various action plans necessary for the proper functioning of your business.

¡Póngase en contacto con nosotros y permítanos guiarle hacia el éxito!

Invierta en

Cuando esté preparado para invertir, nuestros experimentados profesionales le proporcionarán un asesoramiento personalizado y el mejor servicio. Le daremos a usted y a su familia acceso a una amplia gama de diferentes oportunidades que le permitirán alcanzar sus objetivos. Nuestro equipo de inversión altamente cualificado se encarga de ello porque el resultado que buscamos es ayudarle a alcanzar sus objetivos.

Nuestra estrategia de gestión de inversiones tiene el mejor rendimiento del sector, todo ello impulsado por nuestra capacidad y nuestro exitoso proceso para encontrar oportunidades de valor y reforzar los resultados mediante el crecimiento, la innovación y las mejoras operativas.